Helping Coaches Launch
And Scale
Their Online Business.

Follow our “6-Steps to 6-Figures” Framework to get more clients, grow revenue, and increase your impact.

Our Strategies Have Helped Generate…


How We Can Help…

You’re a coach, consultant, or expert in your field…

Dreaming of building an online business that gives you the time, income, and freedom you want in your life.

But when it comes to getting clients, it’s a struggle.

Maybe you’re new to entrepreneurship and you haven’t signed your first clients yet…

Or you’ve been doing this for a while but you’re stuck under a glass ceiling…

Unable to make your dream business more than just a side hustle.

If that sounds like you, we can help.
The truth is most client attraction strategies that Guru’s teach just don’t work.

And many of them require an investment in ads and softwares that cost thousands per month to maintain.

Clients & Coaching is different.

We teach a low cost, high profit, easy-to-scale business model for coaches, consultants, and experts who want to make 6 or 7-figures…

Without paid ads, fancy funnels, or complicated tech.

You’ll get the knowledge, personalized coaching, plus support and accountability you need to launch and scale your online coaching program.
To learn more about our 6-Figure Coaching Blueprint, watch the free training below.

Thanks for dropping by, and we look forward to serving you and helping you create the business you’ve always dreamed of.

Nathan Marchand
And the C&C Team

See how the top 1% of coaches grow their business online.

Recent Client Wins.

My Story

Hi, I’m Nathan Marchand…

I’m a Comma Club Award-Winning Marketer, and Multi 6-Figure Consultant.

But it wasn’t always this way.

In 2018, I tried to launch my first ever online consulting business…

...and made less than $6000 for the ENTIRE year.

At my lowest point, I was so broke that  I couldn’t even afford a $16 lunch with friends.

Then in 2019, I met a mentor who taught me how to get clients online.

I was scared, but I took a risk and invested $7,000 in his program.

My plan was to get really good at marketing, and start landing more clients so I could quit my job and go full time with my consulting business.

I struggled for months to get clients.

But it wasn’t lack of strategy that was holding me back...

It was my own limiting beliefs, fears, and lack of knowledge that I had to overcome.

It took me years of hard work, effort, and sacrifice to gain the skills I needed to attract clients.

Now, I’ve scaled to $10, $20, even $30K+ months.
All with the freedom to work remotely, set my own schedule, and make a positive impact in the lives of the people I work with.

I took everything I learned on this journey and made a blueprint that other coaches, consultants, and experts can easily follow to create their own multi 6-figure online business.
I’m so excited to share these strategies that have taken me years to learn.

If you’d like to stay connected then be sure to join our VIP Community of Coaches, Consultants and Experts below.

In the group I offer weekly live trainings on how to get clients and scale your online business, all for free.

Looking forward to connecting with you there and hearing more about your story.

See you on the inside,


Ready to get more high-paying clients?